Become a PNAB Sponsor

The North Attleborough Cultural Council is soliciting vendors, artists, and other willing participants to make sure that PNAB 2024 is a memorable event and that it becomes a tradition in the town of North Attleborough. With that in mind, we are reaching out for support; see below for the ways you can help…


Make a donation to help defray some of the event costs.
We will make sure that your business or organization is recognized as a sponsor in our press releases and advertising materials.

Art Market

If you have merchandise that is suitable for our Art Mart and would like to reserve a spot, follow the Vendors link to submit an application.

If you know of any business or organization that would like to participate, please share their contact information with us so we may reach out to them. 

Sponsorship Tiers

Friend of the Arts

Up to $100

Name and logo on PNAB Website.
Inclusion in Social Media posts.

Art Connoisseur

Between $100 and $500

Name and logo on PNAB Website.
Inclusion in Social Media posts.
Free Art Market spot.

Art Patron

Over $500

Name and logo on PNAB Website.
Inclusion in Social Media posts.
Free Art Market spot.
Inclusion in Press Releases.
Inclusion in posters and signs.